Monday, July 24, 2006

BRIEF: Jowell gets tough

(Via Brooklynvegan) Realizing that strong urging alone is not really going to make the difference, British culture secretary Tessa Jowell gives promoters a timeline to shape up and get tough on scalping or pay the price.

In her most recent meeting with industry leaders she set out an action plan for the eradication of scalping. Action items include:

  • An industrywide standard for ticket refund by original purchaser
  • A website created by Concert Promoters Association where fans can exchange tickets at face value
  • An established code of practice for primary and secondary ticket sellers.

"If it hasn't come up with a workable solution to stamping out the most unscrupulous touts by next summer, where there is clear evidence it's needed, we may consider targeted action and changes in legislation to ensure genuine fans are protected from exploitation."

I wonder what sparked the sudden show of force, maybe she heard about the scalper convention and got annoyed?

Full article here.


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