Sunday, April 23, 2006

French Kiss Chief Says "TOUR!"

I met Syd Butler from French Kiss Records (and Les Savy Fav!) a while back at the Indie Rock Night School and he was banging the drum for bands to tour more. I, of course, am a a huge proponent of touring , but for some reason it was a very big deal for me to hear it coming from the label side.

Syd was recently profiled for and--hallelujah--he is still carrying the torch.

"If you’re a band, you need to put in the work. Just because your record comes out, doesn’t mean it will sell. Records come out every Tuesday. Over 30,000 records came out last year. Bands need to tour so the label can sell the record. Nobody wants to play in front of five people, but this is the learning show, the show that builds character. This is very important. If you join the army, you’re not a general."

My nails are nearly bitten to the quick stressing about gas prices, but I still shout "TOUR!" in the chorus.

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